Understanding Trauma

Trauma is a deeply distressing or disturbing experience that can have lasting effects on a person's mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It can stem from various distressing experiences, such as abuse, accidents, violence, or loss, overwhelming our ability to cope. Trauma can impact how individuals perceive the world, themselves, and others. It may lead to feelings of fear, helplessness, or horror, and can manifest symptoms such as anxiety, depression, hypervigilance, or anger. We recognize that trauma manifests differently in each individual, influencing thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. We understand the complexities of trauma and offer a safe and supportive space for individuals to process their experiences. Our therapist is trained in evidence-based techniques to help clients heal and move forward towards a healthier, more fulfilling life. Email us today to begin your journey towards mastering your trauma!

  • Child trauma presents through behavioral changes, development regression, sleep issues, nightmares, and physical symptoms like stomachaches/headaches. Kids may also show increased irritability, anxiety, fear. As a caregiver, it is important to create a safe space for communication, validating feelings, and offering consistent support. Healing takes time, patience, love. Our therapy provides compassionate support for kids, fostering coping skills, emotional processing, resilience. Let work together to guide your child toward healing and resilience together.

  • Trauma can have a profound impact on teenagers, leading to a range of emotional and behavioral challenges. We recognize the importance of providing a safe space where teens can process their experiences and heal. Our therapists specialize in working with adolescents who have experienced trauma, offering compassionate support and evidence-based interventions to help them navigate their thoughts and emotions. Through individual therapy sessions, we help teens develop coping skills, build resilience, and work towards healing. Additionally, we provide guidance and resources for parents and caregivers to better support their teen through the healing process. If your teen has experienced trauma, know that you and they are not alone—our team is here to help every step of the way.

  • Trauma can have a significant impact on our lives as adults, manifesting in various ways such as anxiety, depression, and relationship difficulties. It's essential to recognize that the effects of trauma can be long-lasting and deeply rooted, influencing our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Our approach focuses on validating experiences, building coping skills, and fostering a sense of empowerment. By working collaboratively with our clients, we aim to help them process their trauma, heal emotional wounds, and regain a sense of control over their lives. If you're an adult struggling with the effects of trauma, know that you're not alone, and support is available to help you navigate your healing journey.

Understanding Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is a common and normal human response to stress or perceived threats. It manifests as feelings of fear, worry, and unease that can be mild or intense. While everyone experiences anxiety from time to time, some individuals may struggle with excessive or prolonged anxiety that interferes with their daily life. There are various types of anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and specific phobias. Each type presents its own set of symptoms and challenges, but all are characterized by excessive and persistent worry or fear. Symptoms of anxiety can manifest on a physical, emotional, and behavioral level. Physical symptoms may include racing heart, sweating, trembling, and upset stomach. Emotionally, individuals may feel tense, irritable, or on edge. On a behavioral level, avoidance of certain situations or compulsive behaviors may be present. Email us today to begin your journey towards conquering your anxiety and living the life you deserve!

  • Children experiencing anxiety may display symptoms such as excessive worry, restlessness, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. They might also exhibit physical signs like stomachaches, headaches, or trouble sleeping. Behavioral clues can include avoidance of certain activities or places, seeking reassurance frequently, or exhibiting clingy behavior. Emotionally, children with anxiety may become tearful, easily scared, or experience frequent mood swings. If your child is struggling with anxiety, reach out today to provide the support and guidance they need to flourish and cope in a healthy way.

  • Teens with anxiety may show signs like worrying a lot, feeling restless, being easily irritated, struggling to focus, having physical issues, and changing their behavior. They may worry about school, friends, or family, seem jittery, get upset quickly, and find it hard to sit still. Anxiety can also make it tough for them to concentrate in school, leading to problems with grades. Physical signs like stomach aches, headaches, tense muscles, or trouble sleeping can also point to anxiety. They might avoid things that make them anxious, seek lots of reassurance, or become very attached to others. Anxiety can make teens cry easily, have mood swings, or feel scared in normal situations. By recognizing these signs early, we can offer the right support to help teens manage anxiety and learn healthy ways to cope. Reach out today for support in helping them navigate their feelings and build coping strategies.

  • Anxiety can show up in different ways for adults, affecting both mental and physical health. Signs may include: Excessive Worry: Persistent and overwhelming worry about daily events. Irritability: Feeling easily annoyed and restless, struggling to control emotions. Physical Symptoms: Muscle tension, tiredness, headaches, stomach problems, and sleeping issues. Avoidance Behavior: Avoiding places or situations that cause anxiety, disrupting daily life. Difficulty Focusing: Finding it hard to concentrate, leading to lower productivity. Panic Attacks: Severe episodes with intense fear, heart racing, sweating, and breathlessness. We're here to help you navigate through these challenging times. Reach out today, our caring therapist is ready to support you on your journey towards healing and well-being.

Understanding Depression

Depression is a common mental health disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and handles daily activities. It goes beyond feeling sad or low for a short period and can impact one's life significantly. Symptoms of depression can include persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, changes in appetite or weight, difficulty sleeping or oversleeping, feeling tired or lacking energy, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, difficulty thinking, concentrating, or making decisions, and thoughts of death or suicide. Depression can be caused by a combination of genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors. It can impact both physical and emotional well-being, making it challenging to cope with daily life. It's essential to recognize that depression is not simply feeling sad or going through a rough patch; it is a serious condition that may require professional help to manage effectively. Email us today and let’s work towards a brighter tomorrow!

  • Depression in kids can present itself differently than in adults. It can be challenging to identify because children may not always have the vocabulary to express their feelings. Children may become more irritable, angry, or withdrawn. They may lose interest in activities they used to enjoy. Complaints of headaches, stomach aches, or other physical pains that don't have a clear medical cause. Difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or wanting to sleep more than usual. Significant weight loss or gain, or a noticeable change in eating habits. Drop in grades, trouble concentrating, or frequent absences. Avoiding friends or family, preferring to be alone. Expressing feelings of worthlessness or guilt, being overly self-critical. If your child is struggling with depression, reach out today to provide the support and guidance they need to flourish and cope in a healthy way.

  • Depression in teens can manifest in various ways, impacting their behavior, emotions, and physical well-being. Here are some common signs to look out for: Changes in Behavior: Withdrawal from family and friends, Loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy; Increased sensitivity to rejection or failure; Difficulty concentrating or making decisions; Changes in eating and sleeping patterns. Emotional Symptoms: Persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or emptiness; Irritability, anger, or hostility; Frequent crying spells; Low self-esteem or feelings of worthlessness; Thoughts of death or suicide. Physical Symptoms: Fatigue or lack of energy; Changes in appetite or weight; Headaches or stomachaches without a clear medical cause; Aches and pains; Difficulty with focus or memory. Risk-Taking Behaviors: Engaging in reckless behavior; Substance abuse; Self-harm or thoughts of suicide. If your teen is experiencing depression, know that you and they are not alone—reach out, we are here to help every step of the way.

  • Depression in adults can manifest in a variety of ways. It may show up as persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or emptiness. Adults experiencing depression may also feel irritable, frustrated, or angry, even over small matters. Changes in sleep patterns, appetite, and weight are common, as well as experiencing fatigue, lack of energy, and difficulty concentrating or making decisions. Some adults may lose interest in activities they once enjoyed, isolate themselves socially, or have physical symptoms like headaches or digestive issues with no clear medical cause. We're here to help you navigate through these challenging times. Reach out today, our caring therapist is ready to support you on your journey towards healing and well-being.

Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ADHD, or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurodevelopmental disorder that impacts both children and adults. Individuals with ADHD may struggle with attention span, impulse control, and hyperactivity. difficulty focusing, following through on tasks, and organizing activities (inattention). Restlessness, fidgeting, and an inability to sit still for extended periods (hyperactivity). Acting without thinking, interrupting others, and difficulty waiting their turn (impulsivity). ADHD can affect academic performance, work productivity, relationships, and overall quality of life. Email us today and let’s begin working towards thriving with ADHD.

  • Children with ADHD may have a hard time staying focused on tasks. They may frequently lose items or forget to complete assignments. These children might struggle to follow through with instructions and directions. Kids with ADHD can seem restless and constantly in motion. They may tap their hands or feet and have difficulty sitting still for extended periods. Some children with ADHD may talk nonstop, interrupt others, or have trouble waiting their turn to speak. Children with ADHD may have difficulty thinking before they act, leading to impulsive behaviors. They might blurt out answers in class or interrupt conversations. Struggles with organizing activities or tasks, leading to incomplete assignments or messy work. Kids with ADHD may have difficulties gauging how much time tasks require. If your child is struggling with ADHD, reach out today to provide the support and guidance they need to flourish and cope in a healthy way.

  • ADHD can present differently in teens compared to children or adults. In teenagers, ADHD may manifest as difficulty in staying organized, managing time effectively, and completing tasks. Teens might struggle with paying attention to details, following through on instructions, and remembering deadlines. Furthermore, impulsivity and hyperactivity can also be prominent symptoms in teens. They may act before thinking, interrupt conversations, or have trouble staying still in situations where it is expected. Academically, teens may experience challenges in focusing on schoolwork, staying on track with assignments, and performing consistently. These difficulties can result in academic underachievement and increased stress. Additionally, teens might struggle with regulating their emotions, leading to mood swings, irritability, and difficulties in social interactions. They may also engage in risky behaviors due to impulsivity, seeking immediate gratification without considering the consequences. Overall, ADHD in teens can significantly impact various areas of their lives, including academics, relationships, and overall well-being. If your teen is struggling with ADHD—reach out, we are here to help every step of the way.

  • In adults, ADHD may present as difficulties with time management, organization, and setting priorities. They may struggle with maintaining focus, following through on tasks, and managing impulsivity. Some common signs in adults include forgetfulness, constantly losing things, being easily distracted, trouble with multitasking, and feeling restless or fidgety. Adults may also experience challenges in social interactions, such as interrupting others, talking excessively, or having difficulty regulating emotions. Symptoms can vary widely among individuals, and not everyone will have the same experiences. We're here to help you navigate through these challenging times. Reach out today, our caring therapist is ready to support you in overcoming and coping with these challenges.

Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects how a person interacts with others, communicates, and experiences the world around them. It is called a spectrum disorder because it can manifest in a variety of ways and to varying degrees. Individuals with ASD may struggle with understanding social cues, making eye contact, and engaging in conversations. Some may have delayed speech development or difficulty with verbal and nonverbal communication. Sensory sensitivities are common, including sensitivity to lights, sounds, textures, and tastes. Engaging in repetitive movements or having a strict adherence to routines is a common behavior among individuals with ASD. It is important to remember that each person with autism is unique and may experience the world differently. Email us today and let’s begin working on building flexibility and thriving with Autism.

  • When it comes to autism in kids, the presentation can vary widely from one child to another. Some may have difficulty with social interaction, such as making eye contact, understanding or sharing emotions, and forming friendships. Also, they may have challenges with communication, which could involve delayed speech or language skills, difficulty starting or maintaining conversations, or repetitive use of language. Children will engage in repetitive behaviors or having restricted interests, such as fixating on specific topics or objects. Sensory sensitivities, where kids might be over- or under-responsive to sensory stimuli like sound, touch, or light. It's important to remember that each child with autism is unique, and not all of these signs may apply to every individual. If your child is struggling with autism, reach out today to provide the support and guidance they need to flourish and cope in a healthy way.

  • Autism in teenagers can present itself in a variety of ways, as each individual is unique and may experience symptoms differently. It's essential to recognize that autism can look different in teens compared to younger children, as they navigate the complexities of adolescence and social interactions. Teens may struggle to understand non-verbal cues, sarcasm, or subtleties in social interactions. Some teens may avoid eye contact during conversations. They may have trouble grasping metaphors or sarcasm and may take things very literally. Teens may adhere strongly to routines and rituals, becoming upset if their routines are disrupted. They may have intense interests in specific topics and may talk about them at length. Sensory sensitivities to lights, sounds, textures, or certain fabrics may be more pronounced in teens. They may struggle to make and maintain friendships. Some teens may have difficulty regulating their emotions and may experience emotional meltdowns. Teenagers may be at higher risk for anxiety and depression. Teens may have difficulty with organization, time management, or executive functioning skills. Transitioning to post-secondary education, work, or independent living may pose challenges for them. Some teens with autism may also have conditions such as ADHD or anxiety disorders. If your teen has autism, know that you and they are not alone—reach out, we are here to help every step of the way.

  • Autism in adults can manifest in a variety of ways, often presenting differently than in children. In adults, autism may be characterized by challenges in social interactions, such as difficulty understanding nonverbal cues or forming relationships. They may also have intense interests in specific topics and prefer routines or rituals. Sensory sensitivities, like being overwhelmed by certain sounds or textures, can also be common. Some adults with autism excel in particular fields due to their ability to hyperfocus and think in unique ways. It's important to recognize that autism in adults is diverse, and each individual may experience symptoms differently, making it crucial to provide personalized support and understanding. We're here to help you navigate through these challenging times. Reach out today, our caring therapist is ready to support you on your journey towards healing and well-being.

Understanding Adjustment Disorders

An adjustment disorder can occur when an individual has difficulty coping with a stressful or challenging life event. This can include changes such as moving to a new location, starting a new job, experiencing a relationship strain, or dealing with a major life transition. The symptoms of adjustment disorder can vary but often include feelings of sadness, worry, hopelessness, and difficulty concentrating. It is not uncommon for anger and aggression to also accompany this type of disorder. Email us today and let us work through this difficult changes together.

  • Children with adjustment issues may behave differently, like being more quiet or aggressive; after a specific difficult event occurs. They might do worse in school, show old behaviors like bed-wetting, and avoid social activities. Emotionally, they could feel more anxious, sad, or irritable, and have physical symptoms like stomach aches. They might struggle to sleep, overeat, or lose interest in food. Socially, they may avoid friends, have more conflicts, or seek approval often. They could find it hard to handle daily challenges or react strongly to stress or trauma, with symptoms lasting longer than expected. If your child is struggling with an these big changes, reach out today to provide the support and guidance they need to flourish and cope in a healthy way.

  • Teens who are grappling with adjustment disorder may exhibit rapid changes in their behavior following a stressful event. Look out for signs such as heightened levels of worry, irritability, feelings of sadness, or issues with their conduct. These teenagers may experience fluctuations in their emotions, find it challenging to concentrate, and witness a decline in their academic performance. They might withdraw from social interactions, engage in risky behaviors, and start experiencing physical symptoms such as headaches or difficulties with sleep. Additionally, they could find it hard to navigate relationships, tend to blame themselves for their difficulties, and encounter various obstacles along the way. If your teen is struggling from this experience, know that you and they are not alone—reach out, we are here to help every step of the way.

  • Adults with adjustment disorder may experience heightened levels of stress in response to a specific life event, such as job loss, relationship issues, or health concerns. This stress may manifest as constant worry, feeling overwhelmed, or difficulty relaxing. It's common for adults with adjustment disorder to experience symptoms of anxiety or depression. They may feel anxious about the future, have trouble concentrating, feel sad or hopeless, or lose interest in activities they once enjoyed. Adults may exhibit changes in their behavior as a result of adjustment disorder. This can include irritability, outbursts of anger, withdrawing from social activities, or changes in eating or sleeping habits. The stress of adjusting to a significant life change can also manifest physically. Adults may experience headaches, muscle tension, digestive issues, or other physical symptoms with no clear medical cause. Adjustment disorder can make it challenging for adults to cope with their daily responsibilities. They may find it difficult to focus at work, experience conflicts in relationships, or have trouble completing tasks. We're here to help you navigate through these challenging times. Reach out today, our caring therapist is ready to support you on your journey towards healing and well-being.

Additional Areas of Concern

  • Resilience and self-esteem are crucial for our mental and emotional well-being. Resilience helps us bounce back from challenges and manage stress, while self-esteem affects how we see ourselves and influences our confidence and behavior. Building resilience helps us handle tough situations, while working on self-esteem involves self-reflection and self-care to feel more confident and deserving of respect.

  • Abuse and neglect can take many forms, whether physical, emotional, sexual, or neglectful in nature. It is crucial to remember that abuse and neglect are never the fault of the victim, and seeking help is a brave and important step towards healing. Individuals who have experienced abuse and neglect may exhibit a range of emotions and behaviors, including anxiety, depression, anger, low self-esteem, and difficulties forming healthy relationships.

  • Self-harm and suicide are serious problems that can impact people facing emotional or psychological difficulties. Self-harm involves intentionally hurting oneself as a way to cope with strong feelings or tough situations, while suicide is the deliberate act of ending one's life due to overwhelming emotional pain, mental health issues, or feeling stuck with no way out. Behaviors for self-harm may include cutting, burning, hitting, or excessive scratching. Individuals considering suicide often experience hopelessness, helplessness, and believe their loved ones would be happier without them.

  • Anger and aggression are common feelings that everyone has sometimes. Anger happens in response to feeling threatened, treated unfairly, or frustrated. It can vary from mild annoyance to strong fury and often comes with physical changes like a faster heartbeat and more adrenaline. Aggression means doing something to hurt or harm. Anger is the feeling, while aggression is what someone might do when they're angry. It can be physical, like hitting or pushing, or verbal, such as yelling or making threats.

  • In relationships, separation and divorce are big changes that can bring up many feelings and difficulties. Separation is when partners decide to live apart while still being married. It's a time for thinking, space, and personal growth. Couples might talk about things like where to live, money, and kids during this time.Divorce is the legal end of a marriage. It involves sorting out things like money, belongings, and responsibilities. It can be a tough and emotional process that needs legal steps to finish the split. Both separation and divorce can deeply affect people and families, bringing emotions like sadness, relief, or worry.

Why Emerald Oaks Counseling is right for you

At Emerald Oaks Counseling, we understand that finding the right therapy services can be a challenging decision. Here's why we believe you should choose us for your therapy needs:

Specialized Focus: We specialize in child, adolescent and trauma therapy, providing targeted support for vulnerable individuals. Our expertise in this area allows us to tailor our approach to best meet their needs.

Warm and Welcoming Environment: When you step into our office, you are greeted with a warm and welcoming environment designed to put you at ease. We strive to create a safe space where you can feel comfortable expressing yourself and exploring your thoughts and feelings.

Comprehensive Services: Whether you're seeking individual therapy, family therapy, or parent/caregiver support, we offer a range of services to address various issues such as anxiety, depression, trauma, ADHD, anger, and behavioral concerns. You can find the support you need all under one roof.

Experienced Professionals: Our experienced therapist is dedicated to helping individuals navigate their mental health challenges. With a wealth of knowledge and a compassionate approach, we work collaboratively with our clients to empower them on their journey towards healing.

If you're looking for a friendly and supportive environment where you can receive specialized therapy services for yourself or your child, Emerald Oaks Counseling is here for you. Take the first step towards a brighter tomorrow by choosing us as your partner in mental health and well-being.

Sean Burns, Licensed Professional Counselor. Child, teen, and adult therapy in Kennett Square, PA

Sean Burns

Licensed Professional Counselor

Certified Clinical Trauma Professional